How much would you pay to see Dr Laura in a box?

Never before I have I begun typing and subsequently deleted it so many times as I have attempting to put together this post.  This, friends and astonished lovelies, is the Dr Laura Action Figure.  Yes, that's right, you can invite the "opinionated" radio talkshow host into your home and be berated via any of 23 authentic phrases.

  • "...proud mother of an American soldier"
  • "Now, go do the right thing"
  • "...argue with me, it makes me testy"
  • "Be the kind of person you'd like to come home to everyday"
  • "...this is the hill you want to die on?"
  • "I am my kid's mom"
  • "The debate over gay rights. Rights. Rights? For sexual deviancy, sexual behaviour, there are no rights."
  • Rather than force upon you, dearest reader, my opinion of this vile, bigoted woman, I shall leave up to you the decision about whether she and her polyester suit is worth $29.99 of your money.

    Product Page [via Boing Boing]

