Honda 2014 Civic First To iOS 7 Mirroring With Siri Update In The Works
The folks at Honda have made it known that they'll be first off the blocks in the 2014 Civic with full iOS mirroring for iOS 7. This push will begin on the 4th of December, and will include full touch-friendly integration with the vehicle's 7-inch touchscreen on its center console. The features here will be launched with the 2014 Civic Coupe right out the gate when it goes on sale next month.
According to Honda, there will also be a Siri Eyes Free update – or a series of updates, as it always is, appearing down the line as well. The first of these Siri Eyes Free updates will appear at the beginning of December as well. These announcements appeared almost completely under-the-radar save 9to5Mac's spotting of them through Twitter.

Some 2013 Accord and Acura models were announced to be working with Siri Eyes Free features earlier this year as well. Apple has been working with brands such as Audi, BMW, Land Rover, Mercedes-Benz, Jaguar, General Motors (GM), and Chrysler for full Siri Eyes Free implementation, and spoke earlier this year about direct work with auto brands with iOS 7.
It was during WWDC, the brand's main developer conference, that Apple laid down details of their plans for full support of automobile touchscreen centers of all kinds. With iOS in the car, Apple suggests that they've worked – and continue to work, with brands from Nissan to Volvo to Jaguar to Chrysler and back to Honda and Mercedes-Benz again.
Expect one whole heck of a lot more out of Apple's connections with the automobile industry through 2014, that much you can be sure of. Stick around SlashGear's cars hub for a full-on vision of the show as it unfolds.