Home Automation gets its own laws

Okay, so they're not exactly Isaac Asimov style laws – "thou shall not crush me with the electric curtains" – but Alex Chelmis' article over at Automated Home is a great piece on the oft-forgotten core rule of home automation:Eliminate or Simplify the Need for User Interaction


He goes on to outline four other rules and the contexts in which they're important, but from my own perspective it's this first one that really hits home.  It's a fact of life that, when faced with the bells & whistles available from 21st Century whole-house specialists, getting overwhelmed to the point of brain destroying complexity is easily forgotten.  Sometimes our own hunger for what is new and "cool" overrides our common sense about what we actually need.  Anybody considering installing any reasonable level of home automation should really give Alex's article a read.

Home Automation Laws [Automated Home]

