Halo's Master Chief Helmet Is Wearable, Made Of LEGOs

Despite the fact that we're knee deep in the advancements of technology here, we still have a major soft spot for LEGOs. Especially when they get put to use other than buildings forts (though, those can be pretty cool, too). This time around, we get to see what it would look like to be the Master Chief, from Bungie's prodigal Halo series of video games, exclusively available for Microsoft's Xbox and Xbox 360 consoles.


The helmet, which is ridiculous in how accurate it is to the helmet in which it is based from, is made entirely of LEGOs. However, while that's impressive in its own right, it gets really interesting when you realize that you can actually wear it. For those who purchased the Legendary Edition of Halo 3, you'll remember that a Master Chief helmet was included in the package, but you couldn't wear that one (without some work, anyway). This one is designed to be worn. It's just a shame it's right after Halloween.

[via Brothers-Brick]

