Guitar Heronoid Rocks!

I'm a Guitar Hero addict. Granted, I still can't beat Jordan, but then again I've only met one person that can, so I guess it's not that bad. Perhaps one day this Guitar Heronoid will be able to master that horrendously difficult song.


A couple of guys set out with the task of creating a humanoid robot that can play Guitar Hero by processing the video from a PS2 in real-time. The project took them about 2 months to complete and a whopping $50. Not too shabby.

video after the jump

You can see in the video that it still won't be conquering Jordan any time soon, but I'm sure as they continue to tweak it, it will be able to beat even the best Guitar Hero's. If you're reading guys, I'd be happy to challenge the Guitar Heronoid in a friendly "man vs. machine" face-off when it's ready.

What is Guitar Heronoid? [via guitarheronoid]

