Google Play Refund Window Seemingly Extended To Two Hours

The Play Store policy on refunds is 15 minutes — Android users probably know that, especially if they've had to ask for a refund. It's a healthy amount of time to download and try an app, but it may be changing. It seems the Play Store is at least testing a method for allowing users up to two full hours to ask for a refund.


The seemingly beta policy was tested out by Android Police, who noted several purchases that were allowed to be refunded in the extended timeframe. When prompted to discuss the refund window, Google said they "only advertise a 15-minute refund window, that is the guaranteed window for a user".

Google also allows for refunds outside of that timeframe in certain circumstances, but it's not something they push as policy. It would serve as a welcome option for those who can't make their mind up inside of 15 minutes, or run into a paywall later on. There are also those times you download an app, but can't use it right away — for those times, this would be pretty special.

It's not clear why or how this is implemented, though. There is no word on whether app usage would dictate the refund extension, or if it's only good to some Developers. It could be a glitch, too, but if you've had your eye on an expensive app — now may be the time to give it a go.


Source: Android Police

