Google+ Invites Nixed, Now Open To All

After just three months of being inside an invite-only early build, Google's already massively popular social network is now open for anyone to join. That's not to say it's complete, of course, with new features added almost daily and multi-platform functionality being introduced by the week, it seems. Since the launch of the social network, Google notes that it's made 100 feature improvements, (including a few listed in this post, having been added as recently as today,) and they say they're ready to take the service to the next step. Google's top social media executive Vic Guntotra let the world know that the 100th feature added to Google+ is none other than Open Signups.


We've been enamored with this new way of connecting with people over the internet since before it was even announced, our team amongst those first to jump on the boat to have an awesome boat party, inviting loads of you awesome readers to jump on board as well.

Before we continue here, we've got to make sure you're fully equipped with knowledge of what Google+ is and what it could mean for you to join up. Therefore we've got two posts for your pleasure: SlashGear 101: What is Google+? and A Google+ Guide from Top to Bottom. That should pretty much cover what you've just gotta know.

Now lets continue with a quote from Guntotra today on the opening of the doors:

"For the past 12 weeks we've been in field trial, and during that time we've listened and learned a great deal. We're nowhere near done, but with the improvements we've made so far we're ready to move from field trial to beta, and introduce our 100th feature: open signups."


Features that have been updated today include massive updates to Hangouts as well as a new bit of Search functionality. This new Search function allows you to search three sources all at once: people on Google+, posts on Google+, and relevant content from around the web. This new function is already live on Google+, you've only to search to find out! EDIT: NEARLY live, I should say.

Sound good to you? Go head to to know the truth, and turn it up to 11.

