Google+ Getting More Mainstream?
The Google+ social network launched just six weeks ago, and since then it has grown tremendously despite still being in an invitation-only trial period. But how has the user demographic changed? A new study by Experian Hitwise revealed today that the reach of the social network is expanding beyond early adopters and turning more mainstream. Well, that's if you consider mainstream as being wealthy middle-aged suburbanites.
The study tracked 10 million people, putting them into the following categories: Colleges and Cafes; Kids and Cabernet; Status Seeking Singles; and Full Pockets Empty Nests. The category names are a bit confusing but its essentially illustrating that the Google+ user base is surprisingly becoming more popular among wealthy empty-nesters and suburban parents.
When Google+ first launched it spiked in popularity amongst the "Colleges and Cafes" crowd but that has interestingly seen a dramatic drop with it now comprising the lowest share of the Google+ demographic. The category of "Status Seeking Singles" has also dipped to be tied with "Kids and Cabernet," which represents middle-aged married couples with children in more affluent suburbs.
In order to compete with Facebook, Google+ will have to widen and deepen its reach, and it will be interesting to see how these numbers change now that games have been introduced to the platform.

[via Read Write Web]