Google Drive For iPhone Updates With Landscape Mode And Better Performance

Google Drive and iPhone users rejoice. Google just updated their Google Drive app for the iPhone, and it comes with one new feature that completely changes how you edit documents on your smartphone. The updated app now includes landscape mode for both document editing and spreadsheet editing, making it easier and quicker to type out those reports on the go.


Google also promises that loading times and editing are much quicker on this release, although we didn't seem to notice a huge difference in that respect — you're mileage may vary as far as that's concerned. It still took a couple of seconds for documents to load, and creating a new document took even longer.

The Mountain View-based company also included the usual consortium of bug fixes in this release, which will hopefully fix any quirks that you might have been having with the app recently. Other than that, you can expect the same experience on the app. It's certainly not a huge update, but the added bonus of landscape mode is a Godsend if you ask us.

Google has been keeping a good eye on its line of iOS apps and is even updating them in a timely fashion. While the app didn't support editing when it first launched on Apple's platform, the company eventually added editing support later on, with spreadsheet editing being tacked on back in November. Google has yet to add more capabilities like this, but could be a matter of time before they do.


