Goldman Sachs Wants Mistaken Gmail Message Deleted
On June 23, a Goldman Sachs worker mistakenly sent an email containing confidential information to a random Gmail account, putting the client's data at risk. Google responded to the mistake by blocking access to the email upon request, but now Sachs is seeking more.
The mistake was performed by a contractor working for Goldman Sachs over the course of an internal systems test. The intended recipient was a account, but the contractor mistakenly sent the email to a account instead.
According to a complaint submitted in Manhattan by Goldman Sachs this past Friday, the email sent to the wrong recipient contained "highly confidential brokerage account information." Despite the email being blocked, Goldman is seeking a court order that will force Google to delete the message.
Google had informed Goldman that the Gmail hadn't been accessed between the time the email was sent and access to its was blocked. However, the Internet giant requires a court order before it can proceed with deleting the message.
SOURCE: Reuters