Foxconn Cite "Customer Confidentiality" Over PS3 Slim OEM Rumors

Is a "no comment" statement even more of a confirmation than a staunch denial ever could be?  That certainly seems to be the case with Foxconn, who have declined to comment on rumors that they've been picked as an OEM supplier of the much-rumored slimline PS3 by citing "customer confidentiality".


The OEM was named by the Chinese-language Economic Daily News as one of two suppliers contracted by Sony to produce the new, more-compact console.  According to the paper's report, Foxconn will be responsible for manufacturing 50-percent of PS3 Slim models, with Pegatron supplying the other half.

Mentioning "customer confidentiality" sounds, to our suspicious ears, like a roundabout way of saying "yes, but we're not allowed to confirm it."  Images purporting to be of the PS3 Slim and its packaging leaked back in May; while initially regarded with suspicion, the producer then gave speculation a shot in the arm by issuing a cease & desist notice to sites featuring them.  The most recent rumors have suggested that Sony will wait until the end of September 2009 before releasing it, so as to give existing PS3 stock levels time to reduce.


