Foursquare Users Pass 5 Million, Gets Offered $140 Million Bucks For Ownership

You know what this means? You know what the fact that Foursquare has 5 million users means? I means they're doing quite well, especially considering the fact that at SXSW (March) of 2010, Foursquare announced they had more than a half million users. Everyone thought that was gigantic. In April of 2010, they passed 1 million. Now Foursquare CEO and co-founder stands on a stage at LeWeb (say hi to Vince!) Conference in Paris noting that Foursquare had surpassed the five million user mark. That's a lot of shouts.


Commenting on the fact that 5,000,000 UIDs don't exactly add up to 5,000,000 users, Foursquare let USA Today know that "Though there are over 5 million user IDs in the foursquare community, our user IDs don't necessarily match up to our actual number of user accounts. That said, we do expect to hit 5 million next week."

While speaking with LeWeb and Seesmic founder Loic Le Meur on whether Facebook or Yahoo had ever truly tried to acquire Foursquare (there was a bit of a rumor, incase you did not know), Crowley let loose a figure. He not only said that Facebook had made some sort of offer, he noted that some company (probably Yahoo) sent up a $140 million dollar bid. Obviously not enough!

[Via USA Today]


