Fight Club 2 A Reality: Detailed For A Series Of 10
This week the folks at Dark Horse Comics have made clear their intent to create a 10-issue series that captures the second wave of Tyler Durden's experience. This Fight Club 2 series of graphic novels will "pick up a decade after the ending of [Palahniuk's] original book."
Edward Norton and Brad Pitt are nowhere to be found – neither has David Fincher spoken up about the project (yet)*. This is all about Chuck Palahniuk and his original creation from 1996. This is the next chapter in a series of 10 books – all graphics intensive – all set to be released starting in May of 2015.
*On the other hand, Palahniuk will be appearing at San Diego Comic Con this Saturday alongside Fincher. This panel will replicate the ill-fated Fight Club panel from 2013's SDCC where Palahniuk all but promised a sequel to the original film.
The following paragraph includes some plot points, so SPOILER ALERT yourself before you freak.
The future and the past are included in this new storyline, showing Tyler Durden and Marla Singer together with a 9-year-old child. According to USA Today, the situation as bleak for Tyler's son as it was for him as a child, with Tyler "failing his son the same way his dad failed him."
The image above comes from Dark Horse Comics, the publishers of this 10-issue series starting next year.
On the other side of the coin, there's Tyler the idea. Not the narrator, but the being played by Pitt in the film. According to Palahniuk, "Tyler is something that maybe has been around for centuries and is not just this aberration that's popped into his mind."
And though the narrator has left the Fight Club life, fight clubs still exist. It's his visit of a single club that brings him back into the fold, into a very different environment than he left it.