Facebook Live Streaming Rolls Out To Verified Pages

Facebook Live, the social network's take on Periscope's live streaming service, is now becoming available to verified Pages following its debut for celebrities and other influencers. Among those gaining access to the new feature are sports teams, media companies, and businesses. In other words, brands. Facebook notes that live streaming via the feature is still limited to the iOS app.


Brands and such will need their Facebook Page to be verified, but beyond that using the Live feature is seamless. Users that want to start broadcasting just need to open the Facebook app on their iPhone, tap the "Publish" button, and choose "Live Video" to start filming.

While Facebook Live is the social network's attempt to catch up to the trend of breaking news and live coverage that Periscope and Meerkat kicked off, the company suggests that brands use the feature to "make announcements, take fans behind the scenes, host Q&As," and offer more supplemental content.

Users should note, however, that after streaming their broadcast will be saved as a post on their Page for others to watch at any time. Fortunately the post can be deleted like any other, if needed. Facebook adds that the Live feature is slowly being rolled out for regular users, however there's no timeframe for when everyone should expect to have it.


SOURCE Facebook

