Engineer Builds 3D Printed Toyota 5-Speed Transmission Engine
A mechanical engineer from California named Eric Harrell 3D printed something really cool earlier thus year. That really cool 3D printed object was a working Toyota 22RE engine. Harrell is back now with the next logical step, he has 3D printed a working transmission to go with that 3D printed engine. As with a real engine and transmission, the two components can be connected together.
All he needs now is to 3D print a scale car to go with the engine and transmission. The 5-speed manual transmission takes about 48 hours of time total to print out and assemble. Harrell has all the diagrams that a person printing out the transmission needs to assemble the component once the parts are made.

He is even offering to answer questions from anyone who has trouble putting the transmission together. According to the man, anyone who builds his 3D printed engine and transmission would have a very good idea of how to put together the actual engine and transmission from Toyota since both are modeled after real parts.
Some components of the 3D printed transmission don't come from the printer, specifically a 3mm rod, 623zz bearings, and some 3mm washers. There are also miscellaneous nuts and bolts you have to buy. Some of the parts will also have to be tweaked in size depending on the printer they are made with to fit together. Check out the video to see the transmission in action.