DC Digital Comic Books Now Available For iOS, Kindle, And NOOK Devices

DC Comics has announced that it will be offering its comic books on a variety of digital platforms, including Apple's iBooks, Amazon's Kindle, and Barnes & Noble's NOOK ereaders and tablets. Of course, DC Comics has been selling graphic novels in digital form for quite some time, but this is the first time that DC is officially releasing new content on a weekly basis to various big digital platforms.


Starting today, you'll be able to get your comic fix through the official stores of your respective devices. DC also reported that for the year to date, its digital comic sales are up 197% year-over-year. Hank Kanalz, DC's senior vice president of digital, says that the addition of more digital content won't detract attention from physical comic book stores, but will expand the audience instead.

Previously, DC Comics sold its content through apps from Comixology including its own DC Comics app in Google Play and iTunes. However, those were the only two places that users could buy DC-owned comics. Now, users can go through the official bookstores on various devices without having to download additional apps in order to buy comic books.


Today will see 70 titles available in iBooks, the Kindle store, and the NOOK store, including the week's New 52 superhero books, several Vertigo issues, select "digital-first" titles that publish online before print, as well as some back issues. A combination of same-day new titles and backlist titles will be added in the coming months.

