'Crybaby' Google Accuses Microsoft Of Extortion

Microsoft and Samsung announced today a new cross-licensing deal for greater collaboration on Windows Phone 7 devices, but the deal will also require Samsung to pay royalties to Microsoft for every Android device it sells. Following the announcement, Google chimed in with a statement sent to TechCrunch, accusing Microsoft's patent-wielding tactics against Android and its partners extortion.


This isn't the first time Google and Microsoft have gotten into a war of words over the patent battle besieging Android. The last time an argument ensued over Android patent issues was back in August and Google had accused Microsoft of launching an unjust patent war against the open-source platform. Google's statement this time is pasted below:

"This is the same tactic we've seen time and again from Microsoft. Failing to succeed in the smartphone market, they are resorting to legal measures to extort profit from others' achievements and hinder the pace of innovation. We remain focused on building new technology and supporting Android partners."

Those are pretty strong words being launched at Microsoft, which has so far been been the victor in the patent battle against Android partners. Microsoft had gotten a windfall settlement with HTC and is believed to receive $5 for every HTC Android device sold. It is currently in litigation with Motorola and already has patent royalty deals signed with several other Android manufacturers, including Acer and Viewsonic.


And in response to Google's extortion claims, Microsoft's head of communications, Frank X. Shaw, has responded via Twitter, boiling down Google's statement to one simple word: "Waaaah." Shaw not only calls Google a crybaby but also essentially tells Google to pay up by pointing them to paragraph 5 of this blog post, which reads:

We recognize that some businesses and commentators – Google chief among them – have complained about the potential impact of patents on Android and software innovation. To them, we say this: look at today's announcement. If industry leaders such as Samsung and HTC can enter into these agreements, doesn't this provide a clear path forward?

[via TechCrunch]

