Crazy Satellite Dish Chair Beats The Landlord
If you are one of the unlucky Europeans that live in an apartment building where it is against the rules to hang a satellite dish, you may be wishing you had a way to get satellite channels. If you are one of those folks, this is the perfect thing to hide your satellite tendencies from the landlord. This might look like a normal chair to place outside on your balcony, but it isn't.
This is actually a satellite dish cleverly disguised as a chair. The SatPlus Sat Chair has a dish and a LNB hidden in its design. The chair works like a 60cm dish and is made for balcony and the ruses. It might be the perfect thing for picking up channels at the campsite too.
The chair weighs in at 5 kilos and will cost you about 242 euros. It's not clear what satellite networks it will and won't work with. You will obviously still need a converter to view the programming. We also wonder what would happen if you sit on the chair. I suspect someone's bum would block the signal as effectively as heavy clouds.
[via SatEuropa]