Comcast To Start Encrypting Email
Following Google's encrypted email revelations, Comcast has followed in step with the announcement that it will start encrypting its subscribers' email, keeping them secure in a digital world lacking privacy. The encryption is said to be currently in testing, and that it'll be rolling out soon.
Google's Transparency Report for Gmail has a section titled "Email encryption in transit" detailing inbound and outbound encryption. The list is broken down by the highest rated groups for both by region, with each showing a color-coded percentage score.

Comcast was rated poorly, showing less than 1% in the "World" category and a solid 0% in the "Americas" category. Mere hours later, the service provider revealed that it will start encrypting emails "within a matter of weeks."
Google has been encrypting Gmail for years, but has recently began pushing for other providers to follow suit. While Comcast's score is drastically low, several other providers have less than stellar percentages, as well, and it'll be interesting to see if they increase their efforts.