Blackberry Messenger 6 Details Leaked

Details on the new Blackberry Messenger 6 may just have been leaked from an Indonesian source KomBB. This BBM6 social platform style direction that RIM is heading is very exciting since they've been nothing but business for so long. Gamematchi is reportedly developing games for the new BBM6 platform.


Here are some of the features rumored:

- The ability to play games and use your BBM user name as your gamer name

- Cross chats  between users over BBM

- When tasks are completed in these new games, user statuses will change to show the completed task

- BBM6 groups will be able to handle more members

- BBM6 will be supported on all devices running OS 5+

RIM seems to be working hard to show that they too can have some fun and aren't all business. Improvements in their phone processors and graphics cards for 2011 also indicates their aim to better support gaming.

[Via Pocketberry]

