Bioshock Big Daddy Costume For Sale On eBay

Volpin Props' awesome Bioshock Big Daddy costume has been rocking around the internet for a while now, generally prompting whoops of admiration wherever it's spotted, and now – in an attempt to reclaim some workshop space – the whole thing is up on eBay.  Currently at $840 after 47 bids (and still yet to pass its reserve) the costume is roughly seven foot tall – depending on wearer – with a motorized drill arm and LED lighting.


The whole thing cost around $1,000 in materials and took over 400 hours of work to put together.  It also handily breaks down into three sections – drill arm, backpack and head/main body – though when it's all together and the lights are on, the wearer is warned that they'll be "effectively blind".

Best is the advice for how to deal with the inevitable interested crowds: "Just kick the drill arm on and keep walking; they'll move."  There's no indication of just what the reserve price might be – Volpin Props aren't saying – but there are still a couple of days to go before the auction ends.

[via MAKE]

