AT&T 5G Testing Hits 10 Gbps With Nokia
AT&T Labs announce reaching 10 Gbps in 5G trials as they make their team-up with Nokia an official hardware partner. Testing has exceeded 10 Gbps speeds – this will "pave the way toward future international 5G standards and allow us to deliver these fast 5G speeds and network performance across the U.S.," so says AT&T. The company has begun speaking about latency trials as well – imperative for the next generation of connected devices, and vehicles.
AT&T will be testing 5G speeds – that's one better than 4G, mind you – in both Austin, Texas, and Middletown New Jersey, Atlanta, and San Ramon. If you live in one of these cities, you might see some local "we are testing 5G here, it's gonna be fast" signs – something like that.
AT&T suggests that they're structuring their tests in a way that'll allow them to contribute not only to their local needs, but to international 5G standards development. They'll be able to "pivot to compliant commercial deployments once standards are set by 3GPP."
Of course that won't be for a while by the average citizen's standards – fast forward to 2018. AT&T says "3GPP will likely complete the first phase of standards-setting process in 2018."

Nokia's involvement in 5G trial efforts was announced in part earlier this year – back in February VIA Nokia itself. Now, here in June, it's been revealed that Nokia is supplying "test equipment for a variety of 5G technology building blocks and features" for AT&T. Nokia is an official hardware provider for 5G trials with AT&T.
For more information on what 5G will mean to you, have a peek at our article from all the way back in February entitled What you really need to know about AT&T 5G.
You'll also want to remember this terrifying video spot from back in time – have a peek at related Verizon 5G trials as reported on SlashGear this past September.