Apple Watch 'Guided Tour' Videos Added To Website

With the Apple Watch's April 10th pre-order date fast approaching, Apple has updated its webpage for the device with a new "Guided Tours" section that aims to introduce users to all its features. There are several videos on the page, with first titled "Welcome to Apple Watch." Those who remember the 2007 debut of the iPhone will find the demonstrations familiar, as Apple used a similar method to introduce users to keyboardless touchscreen smartphones before they were as familiar and intuitive as today.


The main "Welcome" video act as an overview of the Watch hardware and its interface, focusing on the digital crown, force touch, glances, and the friends button. In addition, there are three other videos that are shorter, but focus specifically on one feature or app; "Messages," "Faces," and "Digital Touch." Apple has also posted the videos to their YouTube channel, and you can check out the main introduction below.

The three feature-specific videos are pretty self-explanatory, but they do a great job of teaching users how sending and receiving messages, customizing the look of their Watch, and alternate communication methods like sketches and sharing heartbeats will work. So as not to overwhelm potential Apple Watch buyers, only a handful of videos are posted right now. But the page already says there are videos "coming soon" for features and apps like Phone Calls, Apple Pay, Maps, Siri, and Activity.


Those who are deeply curious about how the Apple Watch really works but aren't interested in going to a store to attend a live demonstration would do well to check out the videos. On the other hand, those who can't to get their hands on one should be ready for online pre-orders, which Apple has said will begin at 12:01 AM PT on April 10th, along with in-store try-on sessions that same day.


Digital Touch



