Apple Releases OS X 10.6.8 Supplemental Update For Better Snow Leopard To Lion Transition

If you haven't updated to the new Mac OS X Lion just yet, then you might want to get a new OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard update before you make the plunge. Apple has just released a version 1.1 supplemental update for 10.6.8 that replaces the previous version and aims to improve the transition from Snow Leopard to Lion.


The supplemental update resolves certain issues experienced when transitioning, specifically in the transferring of personal data, settings, and compatible applications between the two platforms. But even if you don't plan on getting OS X Lion right away, you should still consider this update as it includes other performance improvements. It revolves issues with certain network printers that pause print jobs or fail to complete as well as system audio that stops working when using HDMI or optical audio out.

Apple released a series of options for the 10.6.8 version 1.1 update that can be accessed via its support site. There are specific downloads for those who have already upgraded to 10.6.8, a delta version for those that have yet to upgrade, as well as a combo release. You can also just go to your Mac and run Software Update.


[via Cult of Mac]

