Apple iPhone 4S A5 Chip Vs 1.5 GHz Dual-Core Galaxy S II In Browser Tests [Video]
Though the 1.5 GHz Qualcomm dual-core processor may be the highest GHz dual-core processor in the land today, from what we're seeing here, the Apple A5 chip in the iPhone 4S certainly seems to be holding its own when tossed into the out-of–box browser competition. What we've got here for you is a slightly unscientific set of tests, one that first shows the difference between the iPhone 4 and the iPhone 4S, that is single-core compared to dual-core chips from Apple, then the iPhone 4S VS the Samsung Galaxy S II carried by T-Mobile, this version having a 1.5 GHz Qualcomm dual-core processor, all tests conducted simply by tapping a link and seeing how fast they can load a webpage.
First on the set of iPhones you'll find that the newer device basically blows away the older of the two. When you take a single-core processor made by one group and compare it to a dual-core processor made by the same group, the results SHOULD be that the dual-core processor outdoes the single-core by a margin. I think you'll find that this margin is pretty wide when it comes down to having what's basically the closest to identical architecture possible holding these processors here. iPhone race, go!
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Then, in the same video, there's the 1.5GHz dual-core processor from Qualcomm, here on the Galaxy S II carried by T-Mobile. Certainly it still seems that this is the race indeed as T-Mobile will be the only one of the top four carriers here in the United States to not have the iPhone while, conversely, it'll be the only one of the top four carriers to have a Galaxy S II with the Qualcomm chip on it. Will it add up? The number is bigger on the Qualcomm chip, does that mean it'll beat out the A5? No, not really.
Have a look at the video above and marvel at the magnificence of both processors and bits of architecture, but see for yourself that the iPhone 4S may well be the winningest smartphone on the market at the moment, at least for browsing, that is.

THEN see the updated tests, these with a few modifications made to appease those who would scream foul due to the fact that the Google-powered device is loading Flash content. Here there's no flash and, just incase you were worried in the first video, you can again rest assured that both devices are running with Wi-fi only.
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And that's Vince conducting the tests, the full review of the devices he's using can be found by either heading to his: [Vince portal] or straight to the reviews, with the Galaxy S II from T-Mobile coming up soon! [iOS 5 review] and [iPhone 4S review] ahoy!