Acer Aspire AM3970G-UW10P Desktop PC + 23-Inch Monitor Review
What we're looking at today is the full package when it comes to everyday highly-connected at-home computing and entertainment from Acer. This is the Acer Aspire AM3970G-UW10P Desktop PC with 23-inch LED monitor, mouse, keyboard, and more USB ports than you'll ever need to use. This machine could potentially be your HDTV media center, it could be your college dorm room do-everything machine, or it could just be the beast that you play Diablo III on in the comfort of your own basement. In all ways, this is an Acer machine that was built not only to compute well, but to be seen: this isn't your under-desk beast of old, this is a beauty if ever we've seen one.
While we've already had a look at a configuration that was extremely similar to this one, this time we've got a bit of a boost with the 23-inch LED monitor included in the box. The tower we had a look at back in February was the Acer model AM3970 [see our full review] while this configuration goes by the name Acer Aspire AM3970G-UW10P Desktop PC + 23-inch Monitor. If you're heading to your favorite online outlet to find this particular model, you'll just need the numbers AM3970G-UW10P – or you can head to Acer's online portal for the model and go from there!
Inside this beast right out of the box you'll get a 2nd Generation Intel Core i5 (2320) processor 3.0GHz with Turbo Boost 2.0 up to 3.3GHz working with 64-bit Windows 7 Home Premium. The model we've got here has AMD Radeon HD 7350 with 1GB of vRAM inside for video, a lovely Acer keyboard and optical mouse, and the whole thing will be blowing your eyeballs out with a lovely 23" widescreen LED display at 1920 x 1080 native resolution.

Inside is 8GB of Memory, a 1TB hard drive, a set of media readers up top for essentially any memory card you've got on hand, 2 USB 3.0 ports, 12 USB 2.0 ports, HD audio, a DVD +-RW super multi-format drive, and a bunch of software that's equivalent to what we saw on the version we've already reviewed. This build of the tower does yield some better results with GeekBench than we got with the other model, as seen here:
[sgbenchmark id=162 show=score]
And otherwise we've got pretty much the same build inside as far as the general bits go:
[sgbenchmark id=162 show=system]
The monitor is massive and it is quite lovely, being both rather vivid and surprisingly high quality for having been part of a package deal. The keyboard and mouse, too, are surprisingly high quality in that regard. If you're looking for a gaming setup, you may want to seek other options as far as those two components go as they're certainly not configured for any massive kinds of multi-key magic, but they'll do the job for your average user.

The monitor is more than high quality enough for the student, the at-home hobby user, and the family member getting their own computer for the first time – the same can be said for the tower. The whole package is certainly excellent for the new user as well as the user who has had a computer for many years and wants to be in on a new generation of computing power, but does not need the newest in new.

You'll be getting a fabulous package here with the Acer Aspire AM3970G-UW10P Desktop PC + 23-inch Monitor, a computer / monitor / mouse / keyboard package with everything in the box that you need to bring high-definition video entertainment and everyday computing to your home, office, or classroom.