64GB SSD with SATA II interface from Samsung

Samsung will now be mass producing a new line of 64GB SATA II powered SSD drives. They will likely still cost a fortune, but at least they are speeding things up since for once the interface is actually where the bottleneck is, not the drive itself.

With the new SATA II interface we are looking at read and write speeds of 120MB/second and 100MB/second respectively. These drivers are in a 1.8" form factor so they can be used for either desktop or laptop drives.

You can already find SSD options at several laptop manufacturers, the SSD bump usually hits your wallet for about a cool grand for a 64GB SSD, but some of the older drives still used PATA, so the new interface should help with speeds and such. They are also releasing a new 128GB SSD that uses MLC or multi-level cell NAND flash technology.

I had some time to sit and chat a bit with the folks at Samsung regarding their SSD division and they have some exciting products being announced, namely their MLC technology based SSD drives. The reason, MLC should drive the cost of those SSD drives down because they are able to pack twice the data in the same space as SLC or single-layer cell drives. The only thing that takes a hit is reliability, and its not much of a hit, in fact they said the MLC drives should be perfect and just as reliable and useable for most people as the SLC drives, but for business and server operations they'd recommend the SLC drives.

[via DailyTech]